Wednesday, January 02, 2008

WWE 2008 DVD Release schedule - - 31st December 2007

The WWE released their list of scheduled DVD releases for 2008. Keep in mind that this is all subject to change. However, an early look reveals some surprises, some obvious choices, some expensive collections, a lot of nostalgia, and maybe the biggest surprise of all.

The WWE will be producing documentaries on some of the current superstars. The list includes Triple H, John Cena, and Edge. All of the DVDs should contain some great matches from the three over the course of their careers. The Edge DVD in particular should be a must-buy for the TLC matches that will likely be included.

Every year the WWE showcases a historic superstar that is not necessarily on their roster. Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, and the Ultimate Warrior have all been spotlighted whether they wanted to participate in the documentary or not. In 2008 WWE will be going down two roads that nobody had expected. For the first time one of their biggest stars ever will be acknowledged by the company. The other is a superstar that has never wrestled for the WWE and currently wrestles for their competition.

“Macho Man” Randy Savage has been persona non grata with Vince McMahon and the WWE since he left for WCW. The Savage mystery has been one that is talked about quite a bit by people within the wrestling industry. Vince McMahon seems to forgive everyone he has had any heat with, if it can benefit his company. At one time Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Eric Bischoff, Jesse Ventura, and Roddy Piper were some of Vince’s biggest enemies. Yet when the dust settles, Vince always does what is good for business and buries the hatchet.

Randy Savage is one of the biggest stars that the WWE ever had. Randy Savage still has a lot of fans and there has been a demand for Savage to return to the WWE for quite some time. Rumor has it that Vince hates Savage so much that every time Savage’s name has been suggested for the Hall of Fame, Vince gives a dirty look and changes the subject. It is well known that it is never a good idea for any WWE employee to bring up the name Randy Savage in Vince McMahon’s presence.

There are some really juicy rumors as to Vince hates Savage with such a passion. Since nobody has ever confirmed any of those rumors it would be unfair for me to write about them. If true, you could almost understand and admire Vince for putting business second to his own feelings and morality.

It is unclear whether the DVD is the first step to an open door for the former WWF World Heavyweight Champion. I can guarantee you that there are a lot of fans out there that would love to see Savage back in the WWE culture. A Hall of Fame induction is long overdue for such an important part of company history.

WWE will also be releasing a DVD spotlighting former WCW World Champion and current TNA star, Sting. This is a strange one as I have no idea why the WWE would want to promote the biggest star of their rival. All the WWE has to do is wait a few years for Sting to retire and I am sure they could get him to be a part of a DVD. Doing it now makes me wonder if Sting really is going to re-sign with TNA after all.

Other highlights include DVDs on the Hardys, the Rock, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig, a 20-disc Summerslam anthology, and the best of Starrcade.

WWE has done a great job of assorting a collection that appeals to everyone. It is no coincidence that quite a bit of the DVDs will be marketed towards their nostalgia fans. Even the ex-WCW/NWA fans that have disappeared may have to come out hiding for these DVDs. 2008 looks like it is going to be a great and an expensive year for WWE DVD fans.

Eric Gargiulo writes about pro wrestling, MMA and more in his blog, The Camel Clutch. He can be reached by e-mail at Eric's "Pro Wrestling Radio" airs on WBCB 1490 AM every Saturday from 12:05-1PM/EST and can be heard live online at

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