Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Conn. Wrestling Fans: Not Totally Sold On Linda McMahon Ex WWE Boss, by Greg Tingle - 3rd November 2010

Linda McMahon wasn't the first pro wrestling aka sports entertainment personality to enter mainstream politics, nor will she the last, but tipsters say she might end up being the most talked about, perhaps even to eclipse legendary Jesse "The Body" Ventura, now host of cable's 'Conspiracy Theory'.

To stake the obvious, being talked about doesn't automatically equal votes.

I'm an Aussie (Australian) so I can't vote for Linda, but you bet, I would if I could. She's likable, intelligent and has a proven track record in running a business - a business that she helped turn into a multi billion dollar concern, and has employed thousands of people over the years. That business - The World Wrestling Entertainment "sports entertainment" powerhouse is one of the world's most well known brands and provides millions, perhaps even billions of people with family friendly (these days) entertainment. A lot has changed since the smoke filled arena and bodybuilder - steroid era.

Wrestling fans or not, it is not fair to blame Linda or Vince McMahon on the steroids found in wrestling, or the ultra high level of early deaths found in the wrestling profession. No one forces wrestlers to take steroids or any drugs, but it is acknowledged that in the past - circa 1990 "monster" (big) wrestlers were usually pushed to the top of the card, and that was linked to earning capacity. The life of a pro wrestler can be presented as glamorous, but it is also one that doesn't come without high risks, injuries and the body encountering frequent pain over the years. The WWE has hundreds of wrestlers on their rooster which helps in given the talent a break when they need, as there is always another wrestler available to fill up the card.

Let's now swing forward to the here and now, with an upcoming election upon us...

Connecticut fans of World Wrestling Entertainment have advised Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon's ties to the wrestling aka "sports entertainment" company won't guarantee their votes come the Election.

Pro wrestling fanatics in Hartford on Saturday said the former WWE CEO's political - media campaign has "no bearing" on their enjoyment of the WWE. The company was in Hartford's XL Center for Fan Appreciation Day, which as you can imagine was a fantastic event and quite the moral booster for WWE management and "independent contractors" (wrestlers).

McMahon is running against Democratic state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal for the seat of retiring Democratic U.S Sen. Christopher Dodd. A recent poll obtained by Media Man showed Blumenthal leading McMahon at the time of this publication.

WWE representatives say the weekend show wasn't so much about rallying voters. They say it was held to thank fans for supporting the company despite what they have named as unfair attacks on its image from state Democrats and sections of the media. For the record let it be known that Media Man has given fair and balanced coverage to the WWE over the years, even back to when it wasn't afraid to call itself World Wrestling Federation and "pro wrastling". Sometimes we even ran some negative based articles, when they were in order, based on the company's actions.

Only a few weeks ago current WWE top brass Vince McMahon started his own campaign: 'Stand Up For WWE', which by all accounts has been a global phenomenal success.

The global news media should be fair to WWE and Linda McMahon. A quick snapshot shows:

Linda McMahon has a proven track record in business

Politically savvy candidate

Strong community ties

Built leading global brand

WWE is family friendly entertainment (usually)

WWE Wellness Policy (which has proven to be a serious policy, unlike in some other sports and fields of endeavor)

So, wrestling fans or not, when you vote in the upcoming election, vote with your head. Don't be deterred by media beat ups or bias articles.

Will Linda McMahon and her tag team partner of sorts, Vince "Mr McMahon", lay the smack down on their political opponents? You can bet it will be a fight to the finish. Stay tuned to Media Man and Gambling911 for the aftermath of 'Celebrity Death Match' Connecticut style.

*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. The also offer political analysis

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Vince McMahon defends WWE; Conn. Dems cry tag-team

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Wrestling impresario Vince McMahon — who has largely avoided the role of political spouse and whose World Wrestling Entertainment alter ego has been on hiatus during his wife's Senate campaign in Connecticut — has emerged from ringside in the contest's final days, defending a business empire he says has been trashed because of politics.

Democrats call his actions a late tag-team effort to boost Republican Linda McMahon's campaign as she trails in the polls.

Fed up with what he called "malicious and misleading attacks," the bombastic 65-year-old McMahon recently launched an Internet campaign called "Stand up for WWE," whose past policies and programming have been attacked by his wife's opponents.

He also filed a federal lawsuit this week against the top state election official for suggesting that WWE fans who come to the polls cover up their wrestling clothing or paraphernalia, given Linda McMahon's ties to the company. A judge Wednesday ruled in McMahon's favor.

And on Saturday, the WWE is staging a fan appreciation event in Hartford just three days before Linda McMahon hopes to rally enough voters to defeat Democrat Richard Blumenthal for the seat being vacated by Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd. WWE announced Thursday it will hand out free merchandise near selected polling places on Election Day to "celebrate" its success with the lawsuit.

Vince McMahon says such efforts have been "a monumental success."

"Certain members of the media, they're a little less likely to write untruths. Elitists, a little less likely to be looking down their noses at us. And even government officials, are concerned about the collective power of you, the WWE universe," McMahon proudly tells the fans in a WWE Web message posted this week.
While WWE and Linda McMahon's Senate campaign both claim the "Stand up for WWE" endeavor is strictly a company initiative, state Democrats have sought a federal elections investigation into whether the company has illegally cooperated with the political campaign.

"Linda McMahon's $50 million attack machine is calling in corporate reinforcements with no respect for the law or the voters of Connecticut," said state Democratic Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo, referring to how much the candidate has said she'll spend on her campaign.

Vince McMahon has appeared politically only once with his wife since she declared her candidacy last fall — in May, when she won the state GOP's endorsement.

Still, his image and reputation have made an impression in a race where the issues of steroid abuses and the WWE's controversial programming have often outmatched policy discussions.

Political opponents have enjoyed showing clips of Vince McMahon — as WWE character Mr. McMahon — forcing a woman to bark like a dog. They also point to his 1994 trial when was faced charges of conspiracy to distribute anabolic steroids to wrestlers. He was later acquitted.

Linda McMahon has touted her 30 years as an executive at WWE, and its past incarnations, in saying she has what it takes to turn around Washington.

Her husband of 44 years acknowledges he doesn't have much use for politicians and politics.

"When Linda mentioned to me that she wanted to give this a run and what did I think, I said, 'Well if you're successful, you'll be the only honest politician I know in Washington D.C.,'" Vince McMahon told The Associated Press.

On the campaign trail, Linda McMahon has mostly been accompanied by her paid campaign staff, appearing at times with the couple's daughter Stephanie, or Stephanie's husband Paul Levesque, the wrestler known as Triple H.

And on WWE's programming, the fictional Mr. McMahon has been incapacitated for months after some renegade wrestlers beat him up in June. McMahon told the AP that he hopes to end the character, saying the performances in the ring have become physically grueling.

"This was not about Vince McMahon, it should not have been about WWE, it was about Linda. The campaign was about Linda McMahon running for Senate," WWE spokesman Rob Zimmerman said.

The McMahons transformed a small wrestling company they bought from Vince's father into the success that it's become today, complete with pay-per-view matches and a planned cable TV channel. Both talk about sharing a desk in the old days, not sure whether they could afford to pay their taxes or their staff.

Vince McMahon acknowledges he underestimated the interest, and scrutiny, the Senate race would bring to WWE and the issues he and the company have faced over the years, such as steroids, wrestler deaths and raunchy programming.

And he's also been surprised by how he's been portrayed as a mythic, all-controlling figure who knew what was really going "back in the day," before the company revamped everything from its programming to drug testing.

"I'm supposed to be this Machiavellian character of some kind ... ," he told the AP. "Oh yeah, I'm extremely aggressive, over the top and real matter-of-fact, and I go for the jugular everyday and have an extraordinary work ethic and what have you, but the stories are legendary."

Credit: Google News, Wires

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

WWE Superstar Batista To Enter MMA World; Want A Bet? by Greg Tingle - 22nd June 2010

With news that more professional wrestlers aka "sports entertainers" (term thanks to WWE owner Vince McMahon) are set to enter the mixed martial arts world, seems sports betting fans and wrestling fans will have more more to get excited about. Enter Dave Batista, whose next? Media Man and Gambling911 with this body slamming, clothes liner, no taping report...

Brock Lensar may have been the first former WWE superstar to make his considerable mark on the MMA world (via UFC) but he won't be the last. Enter Dave Batista, fresh off a scripted loss to WWE's who Media Man spys say is heading to StrikeForce...competitor of sorts to the UFC.

Gambling911 and Media Man have been scouring the planet to see who may take odds - bets on Batista's upcoming Strikeforce debut, before year end we understand. Comon' PartyGaming - PartyBets, Gamebookers, BetUS, Betfair, Centrebet, Paddy Power and SBG Global.

Public Challenge To Sports Betting Companies!...

We issue a public challenge to offer betting options on Batista and other pro wrestlers going to the mixed martial arts world!

Wrestling Legend Ric Flair Speaks On UFC (MMA) And WWE Fans...

"MMA doesn’t affect wrestling at all. I’m not saying wrestling fans don’t watch MMA, but it is two different audiences. My take on MMA is that those guys are phenomenal athletes and extraordinarily tough and committed but the people that are crazy about them got nothing going on themselves. I actually think most of the male public that is crazy for that are living vicariously for something they can never be. Wrestling is more entertainment-based. MMA is what it is, those guys are out there trying to kill each other. And the guys that are sitting at home going "Wow" could never find that within themselves on the first day of their life. When Lesnar fights, I like watching Brock… and I recognize a lot of names … you’ve got to have so much respect for what those guys put themselves through but it is a limited time frame [they've got]. It’s hard to develop a star in that business that’s going to have any longevity. In wrestling a guy that develops a name for himself can do it fifteen years."

Gambling911 fans or anti fans. Does Flair's quote piss you off, or do you like his tell it like it is attitude? Tell us in the forum, and we can't wait for Hollywood's crazed comedian nutter Tony Clifton, to offer his 2 cents worth again. Shame about what happened to the late Andy Kaufman (former inter gender pro wrestling champion of the world!!!). Trust us, Andy was not the UFC type... ask Jerry 'The King' Lawler.

'The Nature Boy' has enjoyed previous Gambling911 coverage thanks to his gambling and gaming entrepreneur exploits... namely being former NC Education Lottery front man, and the current man of the moment for the South Carolina Lottery. Woooooo! as Flair would say.

Media Man Profiles

Dave Batista

Brock Lesnar

Ric Flair (front man for lotteries in the Carolina's region)

Roddy Piper

Kevin Nash (once upon a time known as Vinnie Vegas)

Hulk Hogan (face of The Hulk A Mania slot machine)

Other Pro Wrestling Stars Predicted By Media Man To Be Able To Cut It In The MMA World...

Bill Goldberg, mainly known only as Goldberg. Bill is also a motorsport enthusiast, enjoying BullRun, monster trucks and Harley-Davidson bikes.

Antonia Inoki (but just for 1 or 2 matches, due to his age). Details full credit Wikipedia

On June 26, 1976 Antonio Inoki had a scheduled match in Tokyo with Muhammad Ali. Inoki initially promised Ali a worked match to get him to fight in Japan, but when the deal materialized Ali's camp feared that Inoki would turn the fight into a shoot, which many believe was Inoki's intention. Ali visited a professional wrestling match involving Inoki and witnessed Inoki's grappling ability. The rules of the match were announced several months in advance. Two days before the match, however, several new rules were added which severely limited the moves that each man could perform. A rule change that had a major outcome on this match was that Inoki could only throw a kick if one of his knees was on the ground. In the match, Ali landed a total of six punches to Inoki, and Inoki kept to his back in a defensive position almost the full duration of the match of 15 rounds, hitting Ali with a low kick repeatedly. The bout ended in a draw, 3-3. Ali left without a press conference and suffered damage to his legs as a result of Inoki's repeated leg kicks.

Bob Backlund (as above)

'Judo' Gene LeBell, actually, better to pass... Gene is 77 years of age.

John Layfield aka Bradshaw (a low level match, as Bradshaw is a brawler and had a gorgeous and intelligent wife who likely wouldn't risk anything else)

Pro Wrestlers Who Won't Be Going To MMA This Lifetime...

John Cena, Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Rey Mysterio Jr, Bret Hart...

Hornswoggle (Dylan Postl aka Little Bastard is a midget wrestler and character. Say so more).

Vince McMahon (too old and busy running WWE), Hulk Hogan (who Flair has gone on record with... "Hogan is in constant pain").

Steve Austin aka 'Stone Cold' (Austin has had many injuries and the closest you will see him in MMA is in action movie 'Damage', in a cage match!

Family Of Wrestling Stars In MMA...

Colton Toombs (son of legendary wrestler and pop icon, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper). As a teenager Roddy won a Golden Gloves boxing championship and was also awarded a karate black belt by Gene LeBell.

Former Pro Wrestlers Who Were Once Successful In UFC...

Dan "The Beast' Severn and Ken Shamrock

Too Old Or Dead...

Terry Funk, legit legend and tough guy brawler, still with us, bless the lord

Jerry "The King" Lawler, as above

Bruiser Brody - Frank Donald Goodish - dead - a fight - self defense or murdered in the locker room of a Bayamón - San Juan, Puerto Rico locker room at the hands of Jose Huertas Gonzalez, AKA Invader I. Brody reminds fans of David 'Tank' Abbott, the fighter who achieved fame in the UFC early years.

Karl Gotch - Karl Istaz (August 3, 1924 - July 28, 2007) was a professional wrestler and trainer born in Hamburg, Germany, best known by his ring name Karl Gotch. The German suplex is named after Gotch. Gotch had a behind-the-scenes feud with "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers, starting when Gotch asked for a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Rogers wanted to avoid getting into the ring with a wrestler he feared would 'shoot' on him and legitimately "steal" his championship. This led to a locker room fist fight between the two, ending when Gotch broke Rogers' hand; incapacitating Rogers for several weeks. These events only served to alienate Gotch from the American promoters, who already felt there was no place for his style in the world of American pro wrestling!

PS: WWE NXT former Superstar Bryan Danielson's chances of competing in UFC? "Slim and none, or about 1 million to one", whispered a Media Man insider.

PS: Vince McMahon, no, hardly any of your guys will leave WWE for MMA as they just don't have the skills or the desire to fight in a no holds barred environment, so no need to worry. Pro wrestling ain't MMA, and god knows many MMA fighters would boar pro wrestling audiences to death. If WWE can ever get Lesnar back, even for 1 match or as a special ref or something, they would do well. Shane McMahon met with UFC top brass Dana White last year, but what's his status now? Punters, tell us what you know in the forum.

UFC President Dana White On Potentially Signing Bobby Lashley (December 2008)...

"I don't know how many people can cross over and do what Lesnar has done. I don't think there's very many out there."

Current Status Of Bobby Lashley: In Strikeforce

What Is Strikeforce?

Strikeforce is a U.S.-based mixed martial arts (MMA) and kickboxing organization based in San Jose, California. It is headed by CEO Scott Coker and owned by Silicon Valley Sports and Entertainment, operators of the HP Pavilion and the San Jose Sharks. Its live events and fights are currently shown on Showtime in the US and on Super Channel in Canada. The promotion debuted on CBS on November 7, 2009 with Strikeforce: Fedor vs. Rogers.

UFC Update Etc...

Brock Lesnar VS Frank Mir expected to break a number of records including ticketing, PPV media buys and sports betting. The upcoming fight is expected to to the the stuff of legend. Tune in to UFC 116 on July 3, 2010. The match up is to be held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

Shane Carwin, who won the interim heavyweight championship by defeating Frank Mir at UFC 111, will face current heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar. The two were originally set to face each other at UFC 106, before Shane Carwin won the interim heavyweight championship, but Brock Lesnar pulled out of the fight due to an illness that kept him from training.

UFC Prez Dana White went on record that the promotion plans to make a down under Australia tour and annual occurrence, due to the massive success of UFC 110 in Sydney.

Media Man thinks that either James Packer 50% owned Betfair or competitor, Centrebet, would do well to become an official sponsor of UFC, even if only for the Australian - Asia Pacific region.

Wrap Up...

We keenly await a reply from sports betting companies on odds re pro wrestlers entering the mixed martial arts world, be it UFC, Strikeforce or other.

Loyal readers, don't hold back in the world famous Gambling911 forums

*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911

*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. They also publish Australian Sports Entertainment and

*Media Man is the former manager and agent for Australian MMA fighter Mick Cutajar


Media Man has online b2b agreements with the WWE Shop and UFC Shop. Media Man has nothing but respect for the awesome athletes in the WWE, UFC and other martial arts companies. The above article is a tongue in cheek number, intended to both educate and entertain. The disclaimers are there for the haters in the forum, and for those who hate a. WWE b. UFC and other MMA c. The writer!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Wrestling News: Why did WWE put the U.S. Title on Bret Hart?

Bret Hart became the U.S. champion for the fifth time on Monday night, defeating The Miz in a chaotic title match. This interference-packed encounter was further evidence that Bret Hart is relishing his return to the spotlight.

It surely won't be long before The Hitman gives the title up. However, it seems strange that WWE would decide to put the title on him in the first place.

At the age of 52, and collecting on an insurance policy that is being paid to him on the basis of him being unable to wrestle, Bret Hart is not capable of having anything more than matches filled with interference. It is a shame for a wrestler whose career comprised an outstanding body of work to be unable to perform at a level he could in his prime.

Nevertheless, it seems that Bret Hart still has something to offer professional wrestling in 2010. As limited as he may be in the ring, The Hitman has been consistently excellent on the microphone since returning to WWE this year. One of the biggest fears about bringing Bret Hart back to WWE was that he would be irrelevant to a new generation of fans who never witnessed him in his prime. That has not been the case.

The Hitman has more than held his own in verbal exchanges with the likes of Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho, and his acting has helped to create sympathy for a character that younger fans may be unfamiliar with. The storyline with Vince McMahon was overbooked, but it had its moments, such as when Bret revealed that he had been faking his injury to get McMahon to agree to a WrestleMania match.

The problem occurred when The Hitman stepped in the ring at WrestleMania 26. Limited by what he could do, Bret Hart beat down McMahon for over ten minutes, which coupled with a contrived storyline about the Hart family, made for arguably the worst match of his career. This inability to wrestle at a decent standard is the main problem with the return of Bret Hart, as there is no point in cutting great promos if the matches they lead to are a disappointment.

Thankfully, his title match was kept short on Monday night, and his shortcomings were covered by a string of run-ins. The crowd was into the match, and reacted with jubilation for Bret Hart's win. Slightly tarnishing The Hitman's victory was the commentary of Michael Cole, who inexplicably started heeling on Bret Hart, saying that he did not deserve the title. We can only speculate as to why he was produced to say this. He is much better on NXT as a heel announcer than he is as an announcer on Raw, so maybe it will be a good thing if Cole brings this aspect of his character to Monday nights.

While the title change was well-executed, there is the question of why they wanted to give The Hitman the title in the first place. He certainly can't go on the road to defend his title, and will be surely giving the title up in the near future. Hopefully he will drop the title back to The Miz rather than vacating it on Monday night.

It seems as though every time The Miz comes close to heading to the next level as a cocky heel, WWE cuts his legs out from underneath him. The loss to Bret Hart this week, Tyson Kidd the week before, and being made to look like a jobber by Big Show recently has not done The Miz any favors. His alliance with Chris Jericho has potential, but the number of times he has been pinned recently suggests that he won't be rising above the mid-card any time soon.

Bret Hart's title win was a nice piece of nostalgia, but TNA has shown that regular nostalgia is not conducive to drawing money for a modern wrestling company. Dropping the title back to The Miz as soon as possible would probably be the best way forward, as Miz would clearly benefit from a pinfall victory over The Hitman.

Bret Hart can't wrestle the way he used to, but as his performance on Monday night showed, he is more than capable of working a crowd. Hopefully there will be a meaningful role for him after he loses the U.S. Title.

(Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch)

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

WWE News: WWE continuing to play up Daniel Bryan vs. Michael Cole scrap with more "shoot" comments

WWE is continuing to play up the Daniel Bryan vs. Michael Cole "fight" from NXT on Tuesday with more "shoot comments" from Daniel Bryan after the angle played out.

WWE published a story today on their website with Bryan commenting on Cole "burying" him on commentary, Cole "putting over" David Otunga (who Bryan said "can't even run the ropes right), WWE "pushing" big wrestlers, and WWE trying to "hold him down."

It all adds up to WWE attempting to get a reaction out of hardcore fans by making it seem shocking that insider verbiage would be used in a WWE story and that WWE would "allow" Bryan to criticize WWE.

In actuality, it's a WWE-approved angle meant to get a reaction. One part of Bryan's interview that could point to the future direction of the storyline is Bryan saying in-character that he was "out of line" for attacking Cole on NXT.

"I think my actions were unprofessional and I'd do them all over again," Bryan said. "You can only be pushed so much before you get to that breaking point, you know, and at some point you need to stand up for yourself."

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(Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch)

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Edge and Randy face off on Raw - 4th May 2010

Tag teams were the focus on Raw this week, as an old duo clashed and a potentially great one formed.

Edge and Randy Orton once comprised the team known as Rated RKO, but after the Ultimate Opportunist speared the Viper to close last week's show, they were booked to face off in Edge's talk show segment, The Cutting Edge.

Hyped throughout the show, it proved to be the quasi-main event, and concluded with Randy standing tall after nailing an RKO on his former comrade.

Prior to this, Edge cut a very strong promo explaining that he tried his hardest to please the fans, but they wouldn't accept him, hence his heel turn.

Adam Copeland is a terrific talker, but hasn't found his groove since his return as a babyface. It's nice to see the wide-eyed, paranoid heel Edge back.

During this confrontation, Orton found time to RKO the Raw Guest Host Wayne Brady, who contributed little else to the show.

It evoked memories of Steve Austin dishing out stunners to all and sundry, suggesting that if Randy showed a similar penchant for hitting his finisher in scattergun fashion it could get him even more over.

We already know the WWE title, currently held by John Cena, will be defended against Batista at Over the Limit. So this show featured the two men wrestling in separate matches, with the man who got a win in the quickest time choosing the stipulation for the bout at the PPV.

Batista was due to face The Miz, but he produced a Doctor's note excusing him from action, and instead allowed his NXT rookie Daniel Bryan to face the Animal.

Batista knocked off the former Ring of Honor champ in about five minutes, although Bryan got some reasonable time to shine.

Later, Cena was supposed to wrestle Chris Jericho, but again a scheduled opponent cried off, with this time Jericho's NXT protégé Wade Barrett taking his place.

Cena beat Batista's time, and was about to announce what stipulation he would like, when he was ambushed by Sheamus, who had earlier got in Batista's face and claimed he should be the No1 contender.

With no obvious opponent for the upcoming PPV, Sheamus may well be inserted into the mix to create a Triple Threat by the time we reach Over the Limit.

Our favourite moment from the show, though, was the realisation that Chris Jericho and The Miz look set to be aligned as a Tag Team.

They have title reigns with Big Show in common, and a backstage segment where they compared note on the giant, who moved to Smackdown last week, gave rise to what seems like a uniting of the pair.

You could put forth a very good argument for Jericho and Miz being the best promo guys in the whole of wrestling right now, so a formation of a team is an exciting prospect.

They sat in on commentary to see the current champions, The Hart Foundation, get their hands raised against William Regal and Vladimir Koslov, and attacked them post-match.

There is only really one question to answer. Do we called them JeriMiz or Mizicho? (Credit: The Sun)
Hitman drops WWE future hint - 4th May 2010

Bret Hart has raved about his recent return to the WWE and hinted he may extend his stay with the wrestling promotion.

The Hitman returned for a WrestleMania match with Vince McMahon, but remained as part of their programming in the aftermath of the showpiece event to guide the Hart Dynasty to the tag team titles.

And speaking on the Right After Wrestling show on SIRIUS Radio, Hart said: "I thought I'd be done at WrestleMania, but every week there's something else.

"I don't mind. I'm having fun. The return of The Hitman has been good for me, good for the fans and good for the wrestlers.

"There's been nothing but an upside to it all. I'm pretty happy with it."

Canadian Hart's last appearance for the WWE is scheduled to be on WWE Raw from Toronto on May 17.

And although he insists he does not see himself carrying on after that date, he added: "At the same time I wouldn't rule anything out if I can play a useful role.

"It's not like I'm doing that much these days.

"As long as I'm not on the road every day like I used to be.

"The Monday Night Raw role I've had for the last three months was a lot of fun...and I would do it all over again." (Credit: The Sun)

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Monday, March 29, 2010

WrestleMania(R) XXVI Breaks Record

GLENDALE, Ariz., Mar 28, 2010 - World Wrestling Entertainment(R) made history tonight at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, AZ, as WrestleMania XXVI grossed $5.8 million, becoming the highest grossing and attended entertainment event ever held at the stadium. The previous record was a U2 concert on October 20, 2009 that attracted 50,775 fans and grossed $4.9 million. 72,219 fans from all 50 states and 26 countries attended the sold out event, outdrawing Super Bowl XLII (71,101 attendance) in the same building.

WWE's annual pop-culture extravaganza was broadcast around the world on pay-per-view in more than 100 countries and 20 languages.

"WrestleMania XXVI was a tremendous success, and we thank the public and private sectors of Glendale and Phoenix for rolling out the red carpet to WWE(R) and our fans during WrestleMania Week," said John P. Saboor, Senior Vice President of Special Events, World Wrestling Entertainment. "WrestleMania is an important rite of passage for WWE fans each year, bringing with them a tremendous economic impact to the community."

WrestleMania XXVII will take place on Sunday, April 3, 2011 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, GA. Ticket information will be announced later this year.

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., a publicly traded company (WWE 17.60, +0.04, +0.23%) , is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 500 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto. Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE 17.60, +0.04, +0.23%) can be found at and

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Statement from Randy Savage on Passing of his Father Angelo Poffo

Official Statement from Randy Poffo Regarding the Passing of his Father, Angelo Poffo

I have always been so proud to call Angelo Poffo my father. He is a great example of a self-sacrificing, hard-working man who always put his family first. As a parent, he was tough, but always fair. He was a true leader, and I am honored to be his son.

My father has left this world, but he will never leave my heart. He has always been my hero and my mentor, and the priceless gifts he gave I will have and cherish forever.

My family and I would like to thank my dad’s fans for all the support and well wishes they have expressed this past week.

Randy Poffo

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

WWE Raw VS TNA Wrestling - Ratings - 9th March 2010

WWE vs. TNA head-to-head

WWE Raw scored a 3.4 rating and 5.1 million viewers.

TNA scored a 1.0 rating and 1.4 million viewers.

Raw was down 7.4 percent in ratings and 4.2 percent in viewership compared to last week's show.


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Criss Angel’s 10–year reunion with WWE stars in the ring tonight - 8th March 2010

Mindfreak magician Criss Angel promises that there will be no disappearing act when he steps into World Wrestling Entertainment’s Raw ring tonight in Portland, Ore. Despite not feeling well, Criss flew out of Las Vegas this morning and will return in time for tomorrow evening’s performances of Cirque du Soleil’s Believe at the Luxor.

Criss also revealed to Vegas DeLuxe that he has signed for a sixth season of A&E’s Mindfreak, which he has just finalized planning for filming to start. In hosting the USA Network wrestling event, which also features a battle between WWE head honcho Vince McMahon and John Cena, he’ll be introducing The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels in the opening bout and veteran Ted DiBiase wrestling Legacy in a matchup.

The illusionist is a big WWE fan and says he uses martial arts in his cross-training physical workouts, including kung fu, tae kwon do and karate. He said it strengthens his body and his mind. For Criss, it’s a reunion with a group who gave him a unique start to his magic career, and that’s why he’ll be in the center of tonight’s rough-and-tumble action. You can expect to see magic in and out of the ring.

“When I started out trying to make it, I ran into a lot of people who never lived up to their promises,” Criss told me about his friendship with WWE. “It’s no secret that I borrowed money from the bank and took a $260,000 mortgage on my mother’s home. I was willing to invest the $410,000 to show that I had something very special.

“Back then, I was on the streets of Manhattan, and at Broadway and West 43rd Street, there was the World Wrestling restaurant filled with its memorabilia. Vince McMahon, the founder, and all the wrestlers all came to see my show. They were huge fans, and Vince gave me my very first break taking me off the street and into a 125-seat theater we built out of a banquet room. That led to all the stunts, all the TV shows, everything. (Credit: Las Vegas Sun)

*Read the full article here

Friday, March 05, 2010

WWE(R) CFO George Barrios to Participate in the ROTH Growth Stock Conference on March 16th

STAMFORD, Conn., Mar 04, 2010 - World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. announced today that its Chief Financial Officer, George A. Barrios, will participate in the ROTH 22nd Annual OC Growth Stock Conference, on Tuesday, March 16, 2010, in Dana Point, CA.

Mr. Barrios' remarks are expected to begin at approximately 5 p.m. ET. A live audio webcast will be available online at Also, a replay of the presentation will begin shortly after the actual presentation time and will be available until June 11, 2010.

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., a publicly traded company (WWE 17.50, +0.00, +0.02%) , is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 500 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Toronto and Sydney. Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. can be found at

Trademarks: All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, copyrights and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include risks relating to maintaining and renewing key agreements, including television distribution agreements; the need for continually developing creative and entertaining programming; the continued importance of key performers and the services of Vincent McMahon; the conditions of the markets in which we compete; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to regulatory and litigation matters; risks resulting from the highly competitive nature of our markets; the importance of protecting our intellectual property and complying with the intellectual property rights of others; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; risks relating to our film business and any new business initiative which we may undertake; risks relating to the large number of shares of common stock controlled by members of the McMahon family; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated. In addition, our dividend is significant and is dependent on a number of factors, including, among other things, our liquidity and historical and projected cash flow, strategic plan (including alternative uses of capital), our financial results and condition, contractual and legal restrictions on the payment of dividends, general economic and competitive conditions and such other factors as our Board of Directors may consider relevant, including a waiver by the McMahon family of a portion of the dividends.

SOURCE: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Habbo VIP Chat - Thursday 4th March 2010 at 4.30pm AEDT

1st March, 2010 – The self proclaimed ‘awesome one’, WWE’s talented young superstar Mike ‘The Miz’ Mizanin will be joining Habbo Australia ( – the world’s most popular virtual world for teenagers – live on Thursday 4th March 2010 at 4.30pm AEDT, to discuss life in the entertainment industry, the upcoming world event WrestleMania and his fight to the top of the WWE ladder.

This exciting opportunity will provide Habbo users with the chance to discuss everything wrestling with one of the world’s most talented WWE performers. As part of his Australian tour for WWE’s biggest event of the year, WrestleMania, The Miz will be chatting all things ‘awesome’ with his Aussie followers, as well as his current status in RAW and his goals for 2010.

Jeff Brookes, Regional Director Asia Pacific, Sulake, says “We are looking forward to having such a well recognised and goal orientated performer like the Miz visit Habbo.
An international figure such as the Miz, provides great insight for our users about what it’s like to be a worldwide star and how much effort is required to have a successful career. I know our users will enjoy his positive attitude, knowledge and hearing about his experiences and sporting achievements.”

About Habbo Hotel –
Habbo Hotel is the world’s largest virtual world for teens. Users join by creating a fully customized online character called a Habbo. From there, they can explore many public spaces and thousands of rooms created by other users in the virtual world, play a variety of games, connect with friends, decorate their own rooms, and have fun through creativity and self expression. Currently there are Habbo communities in 31 countries on six continents. To date, over 155 million characters have been created and over 15 million unique users worldwide visit Habbo Hotel each month.

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

WWE Hall of Fame 2010

Names thus far announced

Ted DiBiase "The Million Dollar Man"

Antonio Inoki

Wendi Richter


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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

WWE's "The Undertaker" Gets Burned by Pyrotechnics, by Greg Tingle

WWE's "The Undertaker" Gets Burned by Pyrotechnics; Bad timing for WWE, by Greg Tingle

St. Louis, MO - According to the Associated Press, a pyrotechnics mishap is to blame for burning professional wrestler The Undertaker during a Sunday performance in St. Louis.

Officials say pro wrestler Mark William Calaway only suffered minor burns to his chest and escaped serious injury. Fire officials in St. Louis continue to investigate the incident.

According to World Wrestling Entertainment spokesman Robert Zimmerman, The Undertaker continued to wrestle Sunday night and still appeared during a Monday performance of WWE's Raw.

Calaway usually enters the wrestling ring as fireballs explode, but a timing mistake caused the wrestler's jacket to catch fire. The Undertaker threw down the jacket and title belt before he was treated by a ringside physician.

Doctors say that the wrestler's chest was red and appeared to be about as serious as a sunburn. According to WWE officials, the pyrotechnics overseen by a third party that is contracted with the wrestling group.

The majority of wrestling insiders, fans and media analysts believe that this latest WWE incident it likely to have some negative impact on former WWE CEO Linda McMahon's political campaign.

Media Man hopes this is a further wake up call for the WWE and the professional wresting industry in general. Minds go back to when Owen Hart died at a WWE PPV whilst performing a stunt on the way to the ring, rather than a basic professional wrestling move. As pro wrestling living legends such as Bret "Hitman" Hart and Mick "Cactus Jack" Foley has gone on record with, "Pro wrestling is more real than you think". That may be so, however does the WWE need so many "highspots" like pyro if it adds what could be seen as unacceptable risk to the performers, and potentially, fans? Roddy Piper, who currently appears for the WWE from time to time, along with Hulk Hogan (TNA Wrestling) have been campaigning for extra health benefits for professional wrestlers.

Perhaps something good may come from the latest WWE (real life) accident to The Undertaker.

The Undertaker is widely regarded as a living legend of the professional wrestling industry and has been contemplating retirement in recent years. He has been scripted into WWE WrestleMania storylines in recent weeks and it is unknown as this time if today's incident will effect the WrestleMania line up or angles.

Rest in peace, although we're not certain all WWE top brass will tonight.

*The writer has a b2b agreement (website b2b) with World Wrestling Entertainment, as they do with dozens of companies in the media, new media and entertainment sector.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ed Harris to Star in WWE Studios' "Big Red"

Amy Madigan and WWE(R) Superstar Randy Orton(R) Also Star in the Coming-of-Age Film

STAMFORD, Conn., Feb 19, 2010 - WWE Studios announced today that award-winning actor Ed Harris ("Pollock," "Apollo 13," "The Truman Show") will headline the cast of the (tentatively titled) film, "Big Red." Chase Ellison ("Tooth Fairy"), Molly Parker ("Deadwood"), Daniel Roebuck ("Final Destination"), WWE Superstar Randy Orton, Mia Rose Frampton ("Make It or Break It") and Amy Madigan ("Carnivale") will also star in this family-friendly movie, scheduled to begin principal photography in and around New Orleans, Louisiana, on February 23, 2010.

Set against the backdrop of the mid-sixties, "Big Red" is a coming-of-age story which follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol (CHASE ELLISON), a bright student whose English teacher, Mr. Simon (ED HARRIS), pairs him on a project with the school's biggest outcast and social pariah, Stanley (aka "Big Red"). When Andy watches Stanley fearlessly confront a school bully, a series of events is unleashed, which changes the lives of both young men -- and their teacher -- forever.

WWE Studios Executive Vice President Mike Pavone will direct the drama from his original screenplay. "Big Red" is produced by Pavone and Denise Chamian. WWE Studios Vice President David Calloway is the executive in charge of production and the line producer is Todd Lewis.

Golden Globe-winning actor Ed Harris stars as Mr. Simon, a popular "Teacher of the Year" who finds himself the target of a vendetta when he makes sure the principal (AMY MADIGAN) suspends a school bully. A four-time Oscar nominee and SAG Award winner, Harris has distinguished himself as one of film's most respected and talented actors in numerous popular and critically-acclaimed films, including: "National Treasure: Book of Secrets," "The Hours," "A Beautiful Mind," "Enemy at the Gates," "The Truman Show," "Glengarry Glen Ross," "A History of Violence," "The Rock," "Apollo 13," "The Firm," "Places in the Heart" and "The Right Stuff." Harris also directed and starred in the title role of "Pollock," for which he received an Oscar nomination for his performance. He also wrote, directed, produced and starred in the award-winning film adaptation, "Appaloosa."

Chase Ellison plays Andy Nichol, a bright student unwillingly paired with the school's biggest outcast, Stanley/ "Big Red" for an English term paper. Ellison's film credits include "Tooth Fairy," "Fireflies in the Garden," "End of the Spear," "Wristcutters: A Love Story" and "Mysterious Skin." His television credits include "Deadwood," "Boomtown," "Malcolm in the Middle" and as a regular on the daytime series, "The Young and the Restless" (Noah Newman).

Molly Parker, known to many for her role as Alma Garret on HBO's "Deadwood," portrays Andy's mother, Sherri. Parker has been a regular or recurring character on several acclaimed television series including "Swingtown," "Shattered," "Six Feet Under," "Twitch City" and "Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years." Her film credits include "Hollywoodland," "The Wicker Man" and "Wonderland."

Daniel Roebuck plays Andy's father, Jim. Roebuck has appeared in the films "The Fugitive," "U.S. Marshalls," "Final Destination," "Rob Zombie's Halloween," "Agent Cody Banks," "Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London," "Project X" and "Rivers Edge." He has been a regular on numerous television series including "Lost," "Woke Up Dead," "Nash Bridges," "Matlock," "Capital News" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation." He is also the writer, producer and director of the horror documentary series, "Monsterama."

WWE Superstar Randy Orton portrays Ed Freel, the father of the bully reprimanded by Simon. When Freel's son spreads a lie about Simon, Ed repeats the accusation and begins a campaign to get Simon fired. Since making his WWE debut in 2002, Orton has held the WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, the Intercontinental Championship and the World Tag Championship. A third-generation WWE Superstar, Orton is the son of WWE Hall of Famer "Cowboy Bob" Orton and the grandson of "The Big O," the late Bob Orton, Sr.

Mia Rose Frampton has been cast as Mary Bell, the prettiest girl in the school, who is also known as the preeminent make-out artist of the eighth grade. Frampton, the daughter of Grammy Award-winning artist Peter Frampton, stars as Becca Keeler in the popular ABC television series, "Make It or Break It" about the training of Olympic hopefuls.

Golden Globe-winner Amy Madigan ("Roe v. Wade") plays Principal Kelner, whose decision to suspend a school bully has devastating and unforeseen consequences. Madigan, familiar to many for her role as Annie Kinsella in the film, "Field of Dreams," and Iris Crowe in the HBO series "Carnivale," has received Oscar, Emmy and Independent Spirit Award nominations for her work in "Twice in a Lifetime," "The Prince of Pennsylvania," "Love Child" and "Loved." Her film credits include "The Laramie Project," "Pollock," "With Friends Like These," "The Dark Half," "Uncle Buck," "Alamo Bay," "Places in the Heart" and "Streets of Fire."

Writer-director-producer Pavone recently produced the family drama, "Legendary," starring Patricia Clarkson, WWE Superstar John Cena(R) and Danny Glover, as well as the comedy "Knucklehead," with Mark Feuerstein, Melora Hardin and WWE Superstar Paul "Big Show(R)" Wight. "Legendary" and "Knucklehead" are slated for theatrical release in late 2010.

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., a publicly traded company (WWE 16.44, +0.10, +0.61%) , is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 500 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto. Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (WWE 16.44, +0.10, +0.61%) can be found at and For information on our global activities, go to

Trademarks: All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, copyrights and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Forward-Looking Statements: This news release contains forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include the conditions of the markets for live events, broadcast television, cable television, pay-per-view, Internet, feature films, entertainment, professional sports, and licensed merchandise; acceptance of the Company's brands, media and merchandise within those markets; uncertainties relating to litigation; risks associated with producing live events both domestically and internationally; uncertainties associated with international markets; risks relating to maintaining and renewing key agreements, including television distribution agreements; and other risks and factors set forth from time to time in Company filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results could differ materially from those currently expected or anticipated. In addition to these risks and uncertainties, our dividend is based on a number of factors, including our liquidity and historical and projected cash flow, strategic plan, our financial results and condition, contractual and legal restrictions on the payment of dividends and such other factors as our board of directors may consider relevant.

SOURCE: World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

WWE(R) Superstar Triple H(R) Unveils His Action Figure and Kicks Off New York Toy Fair

Mattel and World Wrestling Entertainment(R) Celebrate Partnership and Present Innovative New Toys for the Fall 2010 Line

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Feb 12, 2010 - WWE Superstar Triple H(R) joined Mattel, Inc. and World Wrestling Entertainment(R) to celebrate Mattel's first line of WWE(R) action figures and accessories, including several scheduled to debut in fall 2010, at a special event at New York Toy Fair today.

President of Mattel Brands Neil Friedman and WWE(R) COO Donna Goldsmith spoke about the partnership between these dynamic entertainment companies, the innovation behind the new FlexForce(TM) toys for kids and the renowned design behind the most detailed line of WWE figures ever assembled for the collector community. WWE(R) Superstar and 13-time World Champion Triple H(R), best known for his "Pedigree" finishing move, showcased his FlexForce(TM) action figure.

"Mattel's WWE action figures and accessories are the most complete and realistic ever produced, thanks to the close collaboration between two of the world's heavyweight brands," said Friedman. "We're certain that collectors will love the attention to detail of the WWE figures, while kids will be impressed with the moves and innovation behind the FlexForce line."

"This new line of WWE FlexForce figures is the first that captures the electrifying drama and action that goes on inside the ring," said Donna Goldsmith. "Through Mattel's new WWE line, kids and collectors around the world can experience the detail and authenticity of WWE's Superstars. These action figures and accessories also reflect the family-friendly PG content of WWE."

Mattel and WWE(R) joined forces to launch the most comprehensive portfolio of WWE(R) action figures and accessories, which hit shelves nationwide in January 2010. The line includes the FlexForce(TM) action figures for young fans and the Elite and Entrance Great figures for the avid collectors. Other products designed specifically for kids include Superstar Rings, Championship Belts, Ring Action Megaphone and motion-activated Tough Talkers(TM) that deliver WWE(R) Superstar catch phrases and striking sounds. Basic figure single packs will be released every month, while two-packs and Elite figures will roll out every other month.

Photos and b-roll of the special event are available at

About Mattel, Inc.

Mattel, Inc., ( is the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of toys and family products. The Mattel family is comprised of such best-selling brands as Barbie(R), the most popular fashion doll ever introduced, Hot Wheels(R), Matchbox(R), American Girl(R), Radica(R) and Tyco(R) R/C, as well as Fisher-Price(R) brands, including Little People(R), Power Wheels(R) and a wide array of entertainment-inspired toy lines. In 2009, Mattel is recognized among the "100 Best Corporate Citizens," as one of the "World's Most Ethical Companies" and as one of FORTUNE Magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For." With worldwide headquarters in El Segundo, Calif., Mattel employs approximately 30,000 people in 43 countries and territories and sells products in more than 150 nations. Mattel's vision is to be the world's premier toy brands--today and tomorrow.

About WWE, Inc.

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., a publicly traded company, is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 500 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto. Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. can be found at

(C) 2010 Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Trademarks: All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, copyrights and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. (C) 2010 World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

McMahon: WWE Network Expected To Launch in Mid 2011 - 11th February 2010

Proposed Network To Help Promote `Raw,' `SmackDown' Properties

World Wrestling Entertainment is looking to jump into the cable network ring with a proposed network that the pro grappling outfit expects to launch in the next 18 months, according to WWE chairman Vince McMahon.

McMahon, speaking Thursday morning during the company's 2009 fourth-quarter earnings call, said it has been doing "a great deal of due diligence" toward creating a WWE cable network that would presumably offer live and library content.

"I would hope a year-and-a-half from now we would be up and running," McMahon said. "We think there is a tremendous opportunity for us out there and quite frankly if things happen as we hope they will happen it will be a really big game changer for the WWE."

The proposed network would not infringe on the WWE's current cable and broadcast shows, including USA Network's WWE Monday Night Raw and MyNetworkTV's SmackDown , but instead could be used as a marketing tool for those shows.

"We are unique in that what's good for the WWE is good for all our television partners as far as promotion and things of that nature," he said. "The new network could tie in and be adjacent to some of those shows and quite frankly our own network can enhance Raw and SmackDown. It would really be a win-win across the board for our television partners, as well as for us." (Credit: World Wrestling Entertainment, MultiChannel News, Wires)

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brisco doing well, signs with PR company - 23rd January 2010

Jerry Brisco, a legendary name in professional wrestling, has signed with a public relations company. Brisco, a current agent/talent scout for World Wrestling Entertainment, will be represented by Eclectic Media Productions.

Brisco, who won dozens of wrestling championships in his storied career, is pleased to become EMP's newest client, under the direction of President Shannon Rose.

``I was very impressed with Shannon's company, their aggressiveness and bold ideas,'' Brisco said in a statement.

The feeling is mutual, according to EMP Vice President Greg Eno.

``For a company like ours, you can only get better by bringing someone like Jerry on board,'' Eno said. ``We can't wait to get started.''

According to the agreement, EMP will help facilitate Brisco's public appearances, including autograph signings and conventions.

Brisco has been associated with WWE for more than 20 years, making him one of that entertainment empire's most tenured employees.

Brisco, along with older brother Jack, formed one of pro wrestling's most successful tag teams, the Brisco Brothers, which won more than 20 tag team titles in 13 years, starting in the early 1970s. Jerry also won a number of singles titles.

On July 15, 2005, Brisco was inducted into the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame. On March 29, 2008, the Brisco Brothers were inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

WWE Hall of Fame - Stu Hart almost certainly to be inducted this year

WWE's Vince McMahon has said that he wants to induct Stu Hart into the WWE Hall of Fame at WrestleMania 26.

Wrestling announcer icon, Jim Ross via his official web blog advises "Stu Hart going into the WWE HOF is a cool deal as Stu was a real character and is one of the most impersonated men in the history of the wrestling biz. The late Owen Hart played some amazing, telephone practical jokes on his Dad that are classics. I have no idea who else will be inducted but I'm sure that it will be a fun night for those that attend or watch on TV".

Other names that insiders and fans have been speculating on for inclusion in this years WWE Hall Of Fame include but are not limited to Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Randy "Macho Man" Savage, "The Ultimate Warrior" and Bruno Sammartino. The names come up annually, however for a variety of reasons, including some heat and mixed history, haven't made the cut to date. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper showed guts and integrity by publicly championing Sammartino, who to date has rejected induction. A number of wrestling insiders say that Sammartino should follow Bret Hart's lead and "let go" of heat he was with McMahon and the company, and accept his rightful place in the HOF.

Roberts has also shown guts and leadership by accepting WWE rehab via the Wellness program. Roberts has also publicly thanked McMahon for saving his life.

The industry and fans are aware that the WWE Hall Of Fame is not the only wrestling Hall Of Fame on the planet, however its the most visible and the company does an impressive job with it, tying it in with WrestleMania and the like.

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Friday, January 08, 2010

WWE(R) Promotes Whitaker to Head WWE International

STAMFORD, Conn., Jan 07, 2010 - World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Andrew Whitaker will take on additional responsibilities and head up WWE International effective immediately.

In his new role as Executive Vice President, Whitaker will be responsible for determining the strategic direction for WWE's business outside of the U.S. across all revenue streams. He will report directly to WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon and has been named an Executive Officer of the company. Whitaker will relocate back to WWE's global headquarters in Stamford.

Whitaker joined WWE in 1987 as part of the team delivering television syndication and developing WWE's pay-per-view business. He moved to WWE's international division in 1991, working in live events, international television and the pay-per-view business from WWE's London office, where Whitaker negotiated the largest international television contracts in the company's history. In November 2007, Whitaker began managing several of WWE's regional business units internationally and his role was expanded in January 2009 to include all areas outside of the U.S.

"Andrew has been instrumental to WWE's international growth. We are confident that he will continue to expand the breadth and depth of opportunities for WWE internationally," said Vince McMahon.

Whitaker commenced his career at NBC in New York, working on shows that include NBC News, Late Night with David Letterman, The Today Show, Saturday Night Live and The Cosby Show. He sits on the international program advisory board for the Banff World Television Festival and nextMedia, International Interactive Media Festival and is also a member of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

About WWE

World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc., a publicly traded company (NYSE: WWE), is an integrated media organization and recognized leader in global entertainment. The company consists of a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content 52 weeks a year to a global audience. WWE is committed to family-friendly, PG content across all of its platforms including television programming, pay-per-view, digital media and publishing. WWE programming is broadcast in more than 145 countries and 30 languages and reaches more than 500 million homes worldwide. The company is headquartered in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Tokyo, Toronto and Sydney.

Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: WWE) can be found at For information on our global activities, go to

Trademarks: All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, copyrights and logos are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

WWE: WrestleMania, by Greg Tingle

Insiders, fans, wrestling media and news media all generally agree that this years WrestleMania has the potential to be the greatest WrestleMania of all time.

Names expected headlining the WrestleMania card at this stage include Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Triple H and Vince McMahon.

The WWE is on the right track with the signing of Bret Hart, proper use of Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, the push of Sheamus and other new talent, and interesting storylines.

Where John Cena, The Miz, Roddy Piper and a range of other extremly talented wrestlers fits in remains to be seen, however WrestleMania is looking to be totally awesome at this stage of the game.

Many wrestlers and insiders are also calling for Mickey Rourke to be part of this years WrestleMania, and Mr Rourke has been doing some campaigning in the media about his desire to do more with the WWE, and in the WWE anything can happen, as Mr McMahon reminds everyone.
Sylvester Stallone reveals Steve Austin broke his neck during "Expendables" movie shoot - 5th January 2010

One of the biggest stories in entertainment news today is Sylvester Stallone revealing that WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin broke his neck while filming a fight scene for the upcoming "Expendables" movie.

"My fight with Stone Cold Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck. I'm not joking," Stallone told FHM Magazine. "I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

Filming took place last spring in Brazil. The movie is scheduled to be released on August 20 of this year with a super-star cast that includes Stallone, Austin, "The Wrestler" star Mickey Rourke, UFC fighter Randy Couture, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, and Dolph Lundgren.

This isn't the first time Austin has injured a fellow cast-member during a fight scene. During filming for the "Damage" movie in fall 2008, Austin broke MMA fighter/actor Paul Lazenby's nose during a fight scene. (Read the details and the Torch-Exclusive interview with Lazenby.)

Link: Daily Mail report on Stallone. (Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch)

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